Astronomical Clock Building
Last updates:
- You are welcome at the exposition around Pieter
in the Eise Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker
from 6th of July 2014 onward -
February 2014
Newest Links --
The orrery of professor Jules Verne (You
English Astronomical Longcase Clock - Andreas Nilsson; The Astronomical Clocks
of Rasmus S�rnes - Robert Rusell; The Clocks of Leendert Prins - Ptolemy's
Course of the Planets displayed by Clockwork - The Model Engineer Support Page
-- My Astrolabe and Horologium - Sean Gallagher; Negative Space -The Pouvillon
Restoration Project - Peter Held; Uhrenbau Ein Werkbuch - Richard Wymarc; The
Astrolabe Project - Wooden Clocks/ Holzr�deruhren - Heiner Thiessen; New-
Equinox Sun dial - Bob Warfield; CNC Cookbook - Zuylenburgh Planetarium
As hobby, I built several Astronomical Clocks over the last years. I had to learn a lot, design, calculation, how to make wheels and other parts. Many tools had to be made, it took a lot
of time and effort. |
As a young boy sitting in the backyard in a cold winter night, I enjoyed the night Sky with thousands of sparkling stars, it was just after the Second World War and there was almost no disturbing light, sound carried for miles, I will never forget it. Many times I visited the famous Eise Eisinga Planetarium in my hometown, my lifetime love for astronomy and mechanics was born.
My first Clock with only Sky and Sun 1998-2000
Second Clock with Sky, Sun and Moon |
2000-2002 This clock shows the Sky moving in one year, the Sun
in 24 hours and the Moon in mean time. |
Astronomical Clock as described in Britten's handbook 2002-2008
The latest Astronomical Timepiece |
2007-2008 |
Astronomical Clock with Equation of Time indication 2008-2009
Astro Clock with Sun moving
in the Ecliptic 2011
Astronomical Clock with Perpetual Calendar mechanism after Brocot 2009 - 2011
Future Clock Project
Children's Clock
Non mechanical Astronomical Clock
Clock as gift for Planetarium Zuylenburgh 2010
At work |
Making parts for the hospice clock |
Policy |